About us
A.U.C.H. (Annals of the University of Craiova. History) is an Open Access biannual journal published by the Faculty of Social Sciences, History Specialisation, University of Craiova.
A.U.C.H. is a peer-review academic publication addressed to professors and researchers interested in the study of history. A.U.C.H. supports interdisciplinary approaches of history, engaging the following domains: history, international relations, European studies, political sciences, philosophy, theology, geography, international law and other related social and humanistic sciences. The first issue of the journal will be published in April and the second issue will be published in November. Universitaria Publishing House, Craiova, Romania, publishes the journal.
A.U.C.H. provides free access to all its issues (2 issues/year).
A.U.C.H. is published continuously since 1996. Since issue 1 (23)/2013, A.U.C.H. provides full text in English, French, German, Italian or Spanish.
The authors assume all responsibility for the ideas expressed in the materials published.
The copyrights are owned by the Social Sciences Department of University of Craiova.
Issue number: 200 copies.