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A.U.C.H. Manuscript Submission



Email: Manuscripts should be submitted online at and

with the following settings:

Page Setup: B5 JIS (Margins: Top – 2 cm; Bottom – 2 cm; Left – 2 cm; Right – 2 cm)

Text Font: Garamond 11

Space: Single spaced

Language: Manuscripts are accepted in English or Romanian.

Text of the Article should be between 4000-5500 words (without abstract, references and key words).

For the title use Garamond 11 Bold, Center.


For the Name and Surname of the author(s) use Garamond 11 Italic, Right.

About the author(s)

After each name insert a footnote (preceded by the symbol *) containing the author’s professional title,

didactic position, institutional affiliation, contact information, and email address.

E.g.: Sorin Liviu Damean*, Marusia Cîrstea**

* Professor, PhD, University of Craiova, Faculty of Social Sciences, History Specialisation, No. 13, A.I. Cuza

Street, Dolj County, Phone: 00407******, Email:

(Use Garamond 10, Justified)

** Associate Professor, PhD, University of Craiova, Faculty of Social Sciences, History Specialisation, No. 13,

A.I. Cuza Street, Dolj County, Phone: 00407******, Email:

(Use Garamond 10, Justified)

Author(s) are fully responsible for the copyright, authenticity and contents of their papers. Author(s)

assume full responsibility that their paper is not under review for any refereed journal or conference


Abstract. The abstract must provide the aims, objectives, methodology, results and main conclusions of the

paper (please submit the papers by providing all these information in the abstract). It must be submitted in

English and the length must not exceed 250 words. Use Garamond 10, Justify.

Key words: Submit 4-6 key words representative to the thematic approached in the paper. Use Garamond

10, Italic.

References: The references cited in the article are listed at the end of the paper in alphabetical order of

authors’ names. References of the same author are listed chronologically.

Reference citations

  1. Reference-List Entries for Periodicals (APA Style)
  2. An Article in a Journal with continuous paging

Harrison, R.L., & Westwood, M.J. (2009). Preventing vicarious traumtization of mental health therapists:

Identifying protective practices. Psychoterapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 46, 203-219.

In-text citation (Harison & Westwood, 2009)

  1. An Article in a Journal with separate paging

Damean, S.L. (2013). The Royal Family of Romania and the National Reunification War. Analele Universității

din Craiova. Istorie, 23(1), 43-50.

In-text citation (Damean, 2013: 50)

  1. An article in a monthly magazine

Madu, C. (2010, March-April). A cure for crime. Psychology Today, 43(2), 12.

In-text citation (Madu, 2010: 12)

  1. Reference-list entries for books and other separately published materials
  2. A book by one author

Damean, S.L. (2004). România și Congresul de Pace de la Berlin (1878). București: Mica Valahie.

In-text citation (Damean, 2004: 49)

  1. A book by two or more authors

Rosenthal, R., Rosnow, R.L., & Rubin, D.B. (2000). Contrasts and effect sizes in behavioral research: A correlational

approach. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

First in-text citation (Rosenthal, Rosnow, & Rubin, 2000: 230-231)

Subsequent citations (Rosenthal et al., 2000: 232)

Scafes, C., Șerbănescu, H., Andonie, C., Scafes I. (2002). Armata română în războiul de independență. 1877-1878.

București: Sigma.

First in-text citation (Scafes, Șerbănescu, & Andonie, 2002: 150)

Subsequent citations (Scafes et al., 2002: 151)

  1. A book with no author named

The Blackwell dictionary of cognitive psychology. (1991). Oxford, England: Blackwell.

In-text citation (The Blackwell dictionary, 1991: 98)

  1. Multiple works by the same author

Sternberg, R.J. (1990). Metaphors of the mind: Conceptions of the nature of intelligence. New York, NY: Cambridge

University Press.

Sternberg, R.J. (2003). Psychologists defying the crowd: Stories of those who battled the establishment and won. Washington,

DC: American Psychological Association.

Sternberg, R.J. (2003). Why smart people can be so stupid. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

Sternberg, R.J. (2007). Wisdom, intelligence, and creativity synthesized. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

In-text citation

The 1990 book: (Sternberg, 1990: 45)

The first 2003 book: (Sternberg, 2003a: 23)

The second 2003 book: (Sternberg, 2003b: 25)

The 2007 book: (Sternberg, 2007: 139)

All four works in the same citation: (Sternberg, 1990, 2003a, 2003b, 2007)

Damean, S.L. (2004). România și Congresul de Pace de la Berlin (1878). București: Mica Valahie.

Damean, S.L. (2008). Diplomați Englezi în România (1866-1880). Craiova: Universitaria.

In-text citation

The 2004 book: (Damean, 2004: 77)

The 2008 book: (Damean, 2008: 55)

  1. Reference to a chapter in an edited book

Ghițulescu, M. (2014). Evoluția instituțiilor politice în timpul regimului comunist. În Damean, S.L. (coord.)

Evoluția instituțiilor politice ale statului român din 1859 până astăzi. Târgoviște: Cetatea de Scaun.

In-text citation (Ghițulescu, 2014: 111)

III. Archival Documents and Collections

  1. Collection of letters from an archive

Benomar, Fr.M.C. (March 1875-December 1876). Legación en Berlin. Correspondencia confidencial y

reservada con los Ministros de Estado. Cartas a los mismos (Tomo I, Signatura 9-32-7-7401). Royal Academy of

History, Madrid, Spain.

In-text citation (Benomar, Fr.M.C., 1875-1876, Benomar, Fr.M.C. to F. Calderón Collantes, June 5, 1876)

  1. Unpublished papers, lectures from an archive or personal collection

Suțu, C.N. (1863). Propunerea lui C. Șuțu în numele lui D. Jose de Salamanca. Fond Ministerul Lucrărilor Publice

(dosar 100). National Historical Central Archives Service, Bucarest, Romania.

In-text citation (Suțu, 1863)

Universidad Central (1868). Espediente Vizanti y Basilio Andrés. Universidades, Sección Filosofía y Letras

(Signatura 6887, expediente 1). National Historical Archive, Madrid, Spain.

In-text citation (Universidad Central, 1868)

Gullón E. Iglesias, P. (1898, April 18). Memorandum adresat de Guvernul Spaniei Puterilor prietene asupra insurecției

cubane. Fond 71 (Problema 21, Dosar 69). Diplomatic Archives Unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Bucarest, Romania.

In-text citation (Gullón E Iglesias, 1898)

  1. Reference to a web source

J.G. (2016, April 11). 7 Deadly Environmental Disasters. Retrieved April 25 2016, from

In-text citation (